ALLERGY ALERT: Do not attempt this recipe if anyone in your family has nut allergies of any kind, especially peanuts!
Because the moment they see you making this, they will NOT be able to resist!
Okay I probably over exaggerated the yumminess of this peanut butter french toast, but in saying that…it really does taste outragiously delicious!
Let’s get real here, who doesn’t like a classic peanut butter sandwich?
Sure, unless you have peanut allergy of course. Otherwise chances are…you will definitely have taken a slice or two in school when your mom packed it inside your lunchbox. (The good old days…sob)
Fast forward a few years (ok maybe a bit longer hehe), but today i’m able to take this classic school lunch to a totally new level. All thanks to my obsession and true love for….My Tongue!
Now if you have never tried a french toast, then all I can say is…
I still remember having one of these from my Hong Kong trip, inside a rather vintage but traditional asian cafe. The moment the waiter bought this piece of sandwich to my table. I already knew it was that good.
In fact, if i recalled correctly, i actually ordered this special bread dish twice that day, including their famous milk tea which was bloody incredible too by the way.
The only negative i could think of is that it was deep fried, which obviously meant i couldn’t eat this all the time. Because even though i do solemnly love my tongue, i also love my body and that includes my health.
So when i came back to Sydney (Australia), I tried to replicate the same dish using absolutely NO oil. I wanted a healthy or a healthier version. I even replaced their condensed milk with honey.
Yes, that means NO deep fry and NO excessive sugar!
And the end result…so SO YUMMY!
So what did you think about this low fat version french toast?
Actually save it…
I already know the answer to that because my kids have literally been begging me to make this for them every single day. Unfortunately for them, this is not how our family runs.
If you have been following my blog, you know I’m all about eating balanced.
So once or even twice a week, i’m okay.
But once a day….well, they can just forget about it.
P.S Good foods are meant to SHARE, so don’t be a pig and share this healthier version of peanut butter french toast to all your friends and family.
(Do pay attention to people with nut allergies though…they won’t be able to resist, remember?)